
Get to Know Jeff Chemnick

Jeff Chemnick is an authority on Mexican cycads having published numerous articles and described several species new to science. In addition to his field research on the cycads of Mexico, he leads botanical and ornithological ecotours throughout the Mexico with focus on the southern states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. Currently Jeff is co-authoring a book on the cycads of Mexico which is due to be published in 2018. He is a member of the IUCN’s Cycad Specialist Group which determines the status of endangered cycads worldwide.

Jeff has considerable horticultural experience as owner and operator of Aloes-in-Wonderland, a specialty nursery in Santa Barbara where he has lived since 1981. Jeff’s garden and nursery occupies nearly 4.5 acres at his residence in the upper Sycamore Canyon area of Santa Barbara. Though he lost his home in the Tea Fire in 2008, the drought-tolerant garden he planted years ago, consisting chiefly of cycads, aloes, cactus, and agaves, made a remarkable comeback.

A past president of the Santa Barbara Horticulture Society and former chair of the Horticultural Society Annual Plant Sale, Jeff has been involved for years within the botanical/horticultural community of Santa Barbara. He is a research associate at the Ganna Walska Lotusland botanical garden in Santa Barbara, serves on several committees at Lotusland, and is the chair (and auctioneer) of the Exceptional Plants Auction, Sale, and Plant Party. Jeff has given numerous presentations on his botanical travels worldwide and teaches the Lotusland docent training course on cycads.

In March of 2013, Jeff organized an Aloe Summit which took place in Santa Barbara. A weekend-long event, the Aloe Summit featured a day of presentations at Lotusland, a day of garden tours, a plant sale and auction, and several wonderful dinners, parties, and social gatherings. Similarly, Jeff organized a Cycad Summit the following year. A Bromeliad Summit is scheduled for 2019.

Jeff’s passions include traveling, birding, surfing, word games, and music.


Dr. Steven Timbrook, Director Emeritus at Ganna Walska Lotusland

2412 Foothill Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93103

email: [email protected]

phone: 805-682-4207

Claire Sawyer, Director at The Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College

500 College Avenue. Swarthmore, PA 19081

email: [email protected]

phone: 610-328-8026

Dr. Timothy Gregory, Research Associate at University California Berkeley Botanic Garden

280 Woodside Dr. Woodside Ca. 94062

email: [email protected]

phone: 650-888-3591

Dr. Jonathan B. Shurin, Associate Professor in the Department of Zoology,
University of British Columbia

6270 University Blvd. Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Canada

email: [email protected]

phone: 604-822-4654


  • International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Cycad Specialist Group Member. 2001-present.
  • The Cycad Society. Member. 1979-present.
  • The Cycad Society. Board Member. 2003-2007.
  • The Cycad Society of South Africa. Member. 1992-present.
  • The Palm Society. Member. 1992-present.
  • Santa Barbara Horticulture Society. Member. 1983-present.
  • Santa Barbara Horticulture Society. President. 1996-1997.
  • Santa Barbara Audubon Society. Member. 1991-present.
  • Santa Barbara Audubon Society. Field Trip Chair. 1994-1996.

Research and Ecotours


  • March field trip to Oaxaca to lead birding tour for group with Jon Dunn and Jonathan Alderfer, editors of National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America.


  • October field trip to Oaxaca to lead cycad ecotour for group with Claire Sawyer, Director of Scott Arboretum, Swarthmore College
  • June field trip to South Africa to review Encephalartos populations with John Donaldson, chair of Cycad Specialist Group, IUCN


  • November field trip to Oaxaca to lead Salvia ecotour with international group of botanists and horticulturists.
  • July field trip to Oaxaca to lead birding ecotour along the coast.
  • March field trip Oaxaca to survey plants and birds of the Sierra Sur.
  • January field trip to Oaxaca to lead flower and bird ecotour with botanists from Eden Project and Kew Garden, UK.


  • December field trip to Oaxaca to survey birds of the coast and foothills.
  • October field trip to Oaxaca to survey birds of Rancho Dioon and lead bird tour.
  • March field trip to Oaxaca to research cycads and birds of the Sierra Sur.
  • January field trip to Oaxaca to lead birding tour.


  • May field trip along Pacific Coast to lead survey of Dioon populations for Montgomery Botanical Center and Lotusland.
  • March field trip to Guerrero and Oaxaca to lead birding tour with Jon Dunn, editor of National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America.
  • January field trip to Oaxaca to lead plant ecotour for group of botanists.


  • December field trip to Oaxaca to lead bird tour.
  • April field trip to Chiapas, Mexico to study several Ceratozamia populations.
  • March field trip to Oaxaca, Mexico to study a Ceratozamia population.


  • August field trip to Vietnam to study Cycas populations and survey birds.
  • May field trip to Oaxaca, Mexico to study several cycad populations and survey birds of the area.
  • Leader of January field trip for the executive directors of Ganna Walska Lotusland and Chanticleer Botanical Gardens to survey birds and cycad populations in southern Mexico.


  • Leader of November field trip for botanists from Europe, South Africa, and the US to survey cycad populations throughout eastern and southern Mexico.
  • May field trip to Oaxaca, Mexico to study several Dioon populations.
  • Co-leader of collaborative scientific field trip for Ganna Walska Lotusland, Montgomery Botanical Center, and Xalapa Institute of Ecology to survey and collect data and plant materials throughout eastern and southern Mexico and survey bird species of the area.

Selected: 1976 — 2000

  • Field trip to Chiapas, Mexico to study several Ceratozamia populations.
  • Ganna Walska Lotusland Research Associate. Field and garden research and consultation
  • Leader of August field trip for cycad biologists from South Africa and Australia to survey cycad populations throughout southern Mexico.
  • Field trip through western and southern Mexico to study cycad populations.
  • Field trip through eastern Mexico to study cycad populations.
  • Annual field trips to Oaxaca, Mexico to study cycad populations.
  • Annual trips to Mexico and Central America to conduct fieldwork in entomology for the University of Michigan and San Diego State University.
  • Annual trips to Mexico to study cycad populations and survey wild bird species.


Selected Publications

  • Chemnick, J. 2008. Birding Review of the Garden.
    Newsletter. Volume 17, No. 1.
  • Schneider, E.L., S. Carlquist, and J.G. Chemnick. 2007. Scanning electron microscope studies of cycad tracheids.
    African Journal of Botany. 73: 512-517.
  • Chemnick, J. 2007. Focus on Dioon merolae.
    Cycad Newsletter. Vol. 30: 2 8-10.
  • Chemnick, J. 2005. Seed Dispersal Agents of Two Mexican Cycads.
    Chapter 8. Proceedings of Cycad 2005. New York Botanical Garden Press 104-119.
  • Chemnick, J. 2005. In the field with Ceratozamia euryphyllidia.
    Cycad Newsletter. Vol. 28: 2 10-13
  • Gregory, T.J., and J. Chemnick. Hypotheses on the relationship between biogeography and speciation in Dioon. In press. In Walters, T., and R. Osborne (eds). Cycad Classification: Concepts and Recommendations. CABI Publishing. Wallingford, United Kingdom.
  • Chemnick, J. 2003. Cycad Ecotouring in Vietnam.
    Cycad Newsletter 26: 2 3-8.
  • Gregory, T. J., J. Chemnick, S. Salas-Morales, and A. Vovides. 2003. A new species in the genus Dioon (Zamiaceae) from north-central Oaxaca, Mexico.
    Journal of the Linnean Society 141: 471-476.
  • Stevenson, D. W., A. Vovides, and J. Chemnick. 2003. Regional Overview: New World. Donaldson, J (ed). Cycads: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Pages 31-38.
  • Chemnick, J. 2002a. Notes on Ceratozamia hildae.
    Cycad Newsletter 26: 13.
  • Chemnick, J. 2002b. Dioon Theft in Oaxaca, Mexico.
    (Journal of the Cycad Society of South Africa) 70: 24-25.
  • Chemnick, J. 2001. The Ceratozamias of Chiapas, Mexico.
    Cycad Newsletter 24: 3-7.
  • Chemnick, J. 2000a. Travels in Search of Mexican Cycads.
    (Journal of the Cycad Society of South Africa) 63: 14-16.
  • Chemnick, J. 2000b. The Future of Mexican Cycads in the Wild.
    Cycad Newsletter 23: 16-19.
  • Chemnick, J. 2000c. The Dioons of Mexico.
    (Journal of the Cycad Society of South Africa) 63: 10-14.
  • Chemnick, J. 1999a. The Threatened Cycads of Mexico.
    Cycad Newsletter 22: 15-16.
  • Chemnick, J. 1999b. Another Day, Another Dioon.
    Cycad Newsletter 22: 30-34.
  • Chemnick, J. 1998a. Does This Make You Cross?.
    Cycad Newsletter 21: 8-10.
  • Chemnick, J. 1998b. A Note From the Field.
    Cycad Newsletter 21: 14.
  • Chemnick, J., T. J. Gregory, and S. Salas-Morales. 1997a. A revision of Dioon tomasellii (Zamiaceae) from western Mexico, a range extension of D. merolae, and a clarification of D. purpusii.
    83: 1-6.
  • Chemnick, J., T. J. Gregory, and S. Salas-Morales. 1997b. Ceratozamia mixeorum (Zamiaceae), a new species from Oaxaca, Mexico with comments on distribution, habitat, and species relationships.
    83: 47-52.
  • Chemnick, J., and T. J. Gregory. 1995. A new species of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) from Oaxaca, Mexico with comments on distribution, habitat, and relationships.
    79: 51-57

Professional Meetings

  • Chemnick and Salas-Morales 2008. SERBO’s research on the cycads of Oaxaca.
    International Cycad Symposium, Panama City, Panama.
  • Chemnick 2005. Dispersal agents in Mexican cycads.
    International Cycad Symposium Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
  • Chemnick, Gregory, and Salas-Morales. 2002. Two new species in the genus Dioon.
    International Cycad Symposium, Nong Nooch Botanical Garden, Thailand.
  • Gregory and Chemnick. 2002. Hypotheses on the relationship between biogeography and speciation in Dioon.
    Botanical Center, Miami, Florida.
  • Chemnick 1999. Resolving taxonomic problems in the genus Dioon.
    International Cycad Symposium, Miami, Florida.

Invited Lectures

  • 1991-present. Introduction to Cycads and the Cycad Garden of Lotusland.
    Biennial Lotusland docent training class. Santa Barbara, California.
  • March 2008. Madagascar, a Review of the Flora and Fauna.
    Central Coast Cactus and Succulent Society, San Luis Obispo, California.
  • November 2007. The Cycads of Mexico.
    Quail Botanic Garden San Diego, California.
  • June 2007. The Cycads of Mexico.
    Huntington Botanic Garden, Los Angeles California.
  • October 2006. Madagascar, a Review of the Flora and Fauna.
    Ganna Walska Lotusland, Santa Barbara California.
  • July 2005. The Agaves of Mexico.
    Ganna Walska Lotusland, Santa Barbara, California.
  • Hayes, V., and J. Chemnick. 2002. A Ceratozamia Field Trip to Mexico.
    Walska Lotusland. Santa Barbara, California.
  • Gregory, T. J., J. Chemnick, and S. Salas-Morales. 2002. Hypotheses on the relationship between biogeography and speciation in Dioon.
    The Cycad Classification Concept Workshop. Miami, Florida.
  • 1988-2002. Annual birding and field trip review.
    Santa Barbara Audubon Society, California.
  • May 2001. A biogeographic review of the Mexican cycads.
    West Coast Cycad Society. Fullerton Arboretum. Fullerton, California.
  • March 1998. An Introduction to the Cycads.
    Cactus and Succulent Society. Santa Barbara, California.
  • March 1997. Attracting Pollinators to the Garden.
    Santa Barbara Horticultural Society. Santa Barbara, California.
  • September 1996. Botanizing Around the World.
    Santa Barbara Horticultural Society. Santa Barbara, California.
  • 1994. Cycad horticulture: Prehistoric plants in a modern landscape.
    San Marcos Grower's Field Day. Santa Barbara, California.
  • April 1994. An Introduction to the Cycads.
    Men's Garden Club. Santa Barbara, California.
  • 1992. Botanizing in Mexico.
    Santa Barbara Horticultural Society. Santa Barbara, California.
  • 1983. All About Cycads.
    Santa Barbara Horticultural Society. Santa Barbara, California.